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The new generation of witches and wizards has come. Whose side are you on?

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    Fitting | Djinn/Karma


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    Fitting | Djinn/Karma Empty Fitting | Djinn/Karma

    Post by Djinn Thu Jan 05, 2012 11:22 pm

    Djinn - or Ethon, as he called himself when he was possessing this form - leaned against the front of the Shrieking Shack, its front door standing open beside him. Gray eyes gazed out over the landscape. It was still largely blanketed by snow.

    Standing there, he looked both out of place and yet strangely at home. The reportedly most haunted place in the U.K. was quite suiting to a creature such as Djinn. Even if he was wearing the appearance of another.

    The demon tilted his head long before any human would have heard the approaching footsteps. A smirk slid across his face. Perfect.

    Last edited by Djinn on Fri Jan 06, 2012 10:57 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    Fitting | Djinn/Karma Empty Re: Fitting | Djinn/Karma

    Post by Karmzy Fri Jan 06, 2012 10:43 pm

    Karma was humming, finally happy. Rhys and her were... well... she was humming. That was something, eh?

    She was walking along the path to the Shrieking Shack and looking up at the sky. Her footsteps were almost silent. She was pretty sure she wasn't supposed to be out of the Hogwarts Grounds during school, but hell, after that party, rules were clearly optional. That is, until she got a new mentor. Cobalt was the only one she listened to anyway.

    Karma was still smirking when she caught sight of him. She'd forgotten about him, or at least, how gorgeous he was.


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    Fitting | Djinn/Karma Empty Re: Fitting | Djinn/Karma

    Post by Djinn Fri Jan 06, 2012 11:00 pm

    Djinn inclined his head to the girl, straightening from his pose against the structure.

    "Milady," he murmured silkily. "Fancy seeing you here, though, I must say, I am far from disappointed."
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    Fitting | Djinn/Karma Empty Re: Fitting | Djinn/Karma

    Post by Karmzy Fri Jan 06, 2012 11:03 pm

    "Uh... thanks..." Karma said, blushing and looking at the ground. "What are you doing here?" She asked, unconsciously taking a step closer to him, though her eyes stayed trained on the stone path beneath her feet. "I mean... Why are you here?"

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    Fitting | Djinn/Karma Empty Re: Fitting | Djinn/Karma

    Post by Djinn Fri Jan 06, 2012 11:13 pm

    Djinn slowly closed the distance between them, reaching up a hand to tuck her hand behind one ear.

    "What if I said I was working up the courage to go see you, again?" he queried in response. "You have missed me, haven't you?"
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    Fitting | Djinn/Karma Empty Re: Fitting | Djinn/Karma

    Post by Karmzy Fri Jan 06, 2012 11:17 pm

    Karma blushed deeper as he came closer to her. This was wrong. Rhys and...

    His words and touch made her pause. "I... I would say... why? I mean... it's just me, you shouldn't have to find the courage to see me..." She glanced up at him and then down at the floor again. "I... I have missed you..." She said, almost a whisper. It was true, even though it shouldn't have been. It shouldn't have been at all. She should have pushed him away and told him the truth. She was with someone. She was with... she was with... who...?

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    Fitting | Djinn/Karma Empty Re: Fitting | Djinn/Karma

    Post by Djinn Fri Jan 06, 2012 11:58 pm

    "Well," he said, the word flowing easily from his tongue, "I did not know if you would welcome seeing me, again. A girl such as yourself. So lovely, so vibrant. Why, I'm sure that many long for you." Djinn trailed the back of his fingers down the side of her neck, his body moving ever-so-slightly closer to hers so that his breath brushed her face.

    "Have you really?" he asked. "Missed me? I wasn't merely some boy you kissed beneath the mistletoe?"
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    Fitting | Djinn/Karma Empty Re: Fitting | Djinn/Karma

    Post by Karmzy Sat Jan 07, 2012 12:07 am

    Karma grinned in spite of herself. "Well... not that many..." She glanced up at him as he stepped closer to her, but did not move to object, though something once again told her she should.

    "No... You're more than that... you're..." What was he...? This was only her second time seeing him, and suddenly, it was like nothing else mattered. It was as if someone had slipped her some Amortentia, but there was no way that was even possible, or she'd have sought him out herself. She looked down at the ground again, deciding not to answer.

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    Fitting | Djinn/Karma Empty Re: Fitting | Djinn/Karma

    Post by Djinn Sat Jan 07, 2012 12:19 am

    Djinn brought his lips to her ear, partly to hide the smirk on his face. His face was so close to hers, that the stubble along his jaw touched her cheek.

    "I'm..?" he drew out the word, tone seductive.
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    Fitting | Djinn/Karma Empty Re: Fitting | Djinn/Karma

    Post by Karmzy Sat Jan 07, 2012 12:22 am

    Karma shivered at his proximity, the stubble touching her cheek setting her nerves on fire. "You're... different..." She tried, her mind going haywire. What was she supposed to be thinking of...? He was... he was...

    Karma blushed, red hot.

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    Fitting | Djinn/Karma Empty Re: Fitting | Djinn/Karma

    Post by Djinn Sat Jan 07, 2012 12:29 am

    As he had the night of the Ball, Djinn ran his hands down both of her arms until he grasped her hands in his own. He turned to meet her gaze, head tilted slightly so his nose was not quite touching hers.

    "Different how?" he inquired, his own lips grazing hers.
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    Fitting | Djinn/Karma Empty Re: Fitting | Djinn/Karma

    Post by Karmzy Sat Jan 07, 2012 12:46 am

    Karma's eyelids fluttered, shivering in an effort not to close the distance between them. "Just... better..." She murmured, shaking for it. He was so close to her. So so close to her.

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    Fitting | Djinn/Karma Empty Re: Fitting | Djinn/Karma

    Post by Djinn Sat Jan 07, 2012 12:52 am

    Djinn gave a quiet chuckle. He smiled, then pressed his lips to hers, soft and tender, and waited her her response.
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    Fitting | Djinn/Karma Empty Re: Fitting | Djinn/Karma

    Post by Karmzy Sat Jan 07, 2012 1:34 am

    Karma exploded. The second his lips touched hers it was as if her entire being caught fire. She slowly, almost leisurely wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer, one of her hands burying itself in his hair. Her tongue slowly went across his lower lip, begging for entrance as she slowly slowly imploded, filling the kiss with more and more and more until... It was all of her.

    The only person she'd ever kissed like that other than him had been...


    She broke away, her fingers on her lips.

    Guilt hit her like a tidal wave. She looked down at the ground and blushed, biting her lip. "I'm sorry." She said softly. She wasn't talking to him, but she directed it towards him anyway.

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    Fitting | Djinn/Karma Empty Re: Fitting | Djinn/Karma

    Post by Djinn Sat Jan 07, 2012 1:49 am

    Djinn pulled her body flush against his, parting his own lips to grant her entrance, tongue dancing with hers.

    He was not surprised when she suddenly pulled away. He had been watching her, after all. The demon reached a hand out, as though to touch her cheek, then appeared to think better of the action.

    "It would seem I was mistaken," Djinn stated quietly. He wasn't, of course; he knew full well just what he was doing.
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    Fitting | Djinn/Karma Empty Re: Fitting | Djinn/Karma

    Post by Karmzy Sat Jan 07, 2012 2:14 am

    Karma glanced up at him at his words, looking down at the ground again. "Why are you here? There's no way you would have known I'd come here..." She slowly put her hand down to her side, stepping around him and pushing the door of the Shrieking Shack open. "Are you following me?" She glanced behind her, walking to the steps just inside and sitting down.

    She couldn't believe she'd kissed a guy that wasn't Rhys. Especially after their... well... admitted shared feelings. She pulled her knees to her chest and placed her head on her arms, groaning to herself. She was such a slut. Seriously. Evie should move over because there was a new Queen Hoe in town...

    With another groan she frowned into the darkness that was her newfound temple.

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    Fitting | Djinn/Karma Empty Re: Fitting | Djinn/Karma

    Post by Djinn Sat Jan 07, 2012 2:37 am

    "Isn't there?" Djinn asked lightly. He followed her as far as the door, where he stood silhouetted.

    "Karma -" he broke off, then shook his head as he gave a mirthless laugh. "I suppose I should leave. Were I a good man, I would do just that, wouldn't I?" His tone became thoughtful. "I don't profess to be good, though. It is not in my nature."
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    Fitting | Djinn/Karma Empty Re: Fitting | Djinn/Karma

    Post by Karmzy Sat Jan 07, 2012 2:50 am

    "Being good is overrated anyway." She found herself saying, though it came out a little muffled. She sighed. She sat up before laying on her back across the bottom step, looking up at his silhouette. "You just gonna stand there? You staying or going?" She said, raising an eyebrow at him.

    She looked up at the ceiling. "You know, you really should leave, if you think that's the best thing to do." She forced her voice to be emotionless.

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    Fitting | Djinn/Karma Empty Re: Fitting | Djinn/Karma

    Post by Djinn Sat Jan 07, 2012 2:59 am

    Djinn gazed placidly at her as she spoke, watching as she stretched out upon the stair.

    "Now, now," he said silkily, moving forward and sitting on the floor beside her. He rested his elbow on the step above her, effectively blocking her in. "We just covered this. Being good... so overrated."

    His other hand reached out, lightly stroking the edge of her jaw before trailing down her neck and across her collar bone.

    "Besides," Djinn whispered. "You don't really want me to leave."
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    Fitting | Djinn/Karma Empty Re: Fitting | Djinn/Karma

    Post by Karmzy Sat Jan 07, 2012 3:34 am

    Karma didn't move when he sat beside her, keeping her eyes trained on the ceiling. She shivered again when he touched her, his touch leaving a trail of goosebumps on her skin. She sighed. "I suppose your right." She said grudgingly.

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    Fitting | Djinn/Karma Empty Re: Fitting | Djinn/Karma

    Post by Djinn Sat Jan 07, 2012 3:49 am

    Djinn chuckled, the sound still low and dark. "I'm usually right," he stated smugly.

    "So, tell me, Karma Black. What sort of boy makes you forget the likes of me? Why, he must be something... special."
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    Fitting | Djinn/Karma Empty Re: Fitting | Djinn/Karma

    Post by Karmzy Sat Jan 07, 2012 4:07 am

    Karma glanced down at him, her eyes guarded. "He's just my fangbanger." She said. "That's it." She didn't want him knowing about Rhys. Not at all. "Blood does that to a Vampire." She said, with a flick of her wrist she had a dagger in her hand, and was using it to clean the underside of her nails. She kept her eyes off of him, so that he wouldn't be able to read the lie in her eyes. She grinned fondly. "And he's a psychopath."

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    Fitting | Djinn/Karma Empty Re: Fitting | Djinn/Karma

    Post by Djinn Sun Jan 08, 2012 4:15 am

    Djinn gave a thoughtfully hum, gaze fixed on something in the adjacent room.

    "That it does," he agreed. "It goes both ways, of course. A vampire feels a certain responsibility for those upon which they feed, and in turn, the... subject feels a certain loyalty to the vampire. Why, in some cases, such feelings can be mistaken as affection or love. Naturally, it's just the addiction doing the rationalizing."

    Which wasn't strictly true. Not all of the time, in any case. It didn't matter what was true, however, but what the girl believed to be true.

    "Oh?" His eyes turned back towards her, a brow raised inquisitively. "A psychopath? Sounds most entertaining."
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    Fitting | Djinn/Karma Empty Re: Fitting | Djinn/Karma

    Post by Karmzy Sun Jan 08, 2012 4:24 am

    Karma looked away from him, down at the dust covered floor as.he voiced one of her deeper fears. The fact that what she had with Rhys could all be built on lies, lies set by Rhys himself as a way to get a fix... It tore her up inside. She bit her lip, thinking hard. There was no way to prove it was for her and not for the Bite. They were the same package deal.

    She nodded when he commented on him being entertainment. She felt her fangs enlongate just thinking about it. And now she was hungry. She ran her tongue across her teeth, trying to hide her thirst from Ethon.

    "I suppose he's amusing on occasion." She said finally.

    Last edited by Karma Black on Sun Jan 08, 2012 12:27 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Fitting | Djinn/Karma Empty Re: Fitting | Djinn/Karma

    Post by Djinn Sun Jan 08, 2012 4:44 am

    Djinn smirked slightly. "Hungry?" he asked. He ran a knuckle down along her shoulder. "I'd offer you a bite, but... well, let's just say that I'd be bad for the digestion." The demon leaned leaned closer to murmur in her ear, his mouth caressing the words, "At least, when it comes to sating that kind of hunger."

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