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The new generation of witches and wizards has come. Whose side are you on?

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    Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite)

    Sixth Year
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    Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite) Empty Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite)

    Post by Karmzy Thu Jan 26, 2012 1:44 am

    Karma rolled over, right into a ray of sunlight. It made her groan. She pulled the blanket over her head. She shouldn't have drank yesterday. She had to get on the Hogwarts Express for home and...

    She opened her eyes. She sat up suddenly, realizing that she wasn't in her dormintory. Where the hell had she wandered off to while drunk? That was a really bad habit and....

    She looked at a picture on the coffee table next to the couch she had been sleeping on. It showed a boy she vaguely remembered and... a younger Rhys.

    Her eyes returned to the other boy. "Ty-ty." She whispered.

    In a second, she was on her feet, noting that she was, thankfully in her own clothes, pajamas, it looked like. She started fishing around for her shoes, knowing she couldn't possibly have been drunk enough to forget them, but movement in the rest of the house made her freeze. Slowly, silently, she padded to the kitchen door, peeking inside.
    Tyler Marks
    Tyler Marks

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    Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite) Empty Re: Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite)

    Post by Tyler Marks Thu Jan 26, 2012 2:14 am

    Ty groaned, rolled over on his bed and pulled the pillow over his head.

    He swore slowly, and blinked up at his room. He felt as if he was forgetting something very important.

    "I am never drinkin' ag'in." He mummbled. God his head hurt. He thinks he may have out done himself this time.

    Flinging the pillow to the ground he rolled over and stared at the ceiling, going through his usual practice of searching his addled brain for the things he had forgotten.

    He had gone out.. and.. and there was....

    "Shit!" he was suddenly up and padding his neck in the mirror. There were no marks there but he suddenly and definitly remembered... "Oh F*ck."

    He groaned and hung his head... only to hear a sound that made him swear much more loudly.

    Jumping up, and dashing out and down the hall - all the while thinking please be Karma - he arrived in his livingroom just in time to stop Karma from opening the door.

    He grabbed her shoulder, and pointed down the hall. He didn't have time to give her anywhere good to hide. He would trust the girl - no vampire - would find somewhere decent herself.
    Sixth Year
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    Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite) Empty Re: Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite)

    Post by Karmzy Thu Jan 26, 2012 2:21 am

    Karma shrunk back from the door, looking up at Ty. She followed his pointed finger with her eyes. If he was here then who...?


    Her eyes widened. She hugged Tyler, a quick, barely there thing of a movement, and then had used her vampire speed to be down the hallway, at the entrance of the cupboard underneath the stars.

    With a mental curse, she silently slid the clasp keeping the door closed up, slipping inside and closing it behind her with a barely audible click. She felt squeezed within the small space, but she stayed completely silent.
    Tyler Marks
    Tyler Marks

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    Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite) Empty Re: Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite)

    Post by Tyler Marks Thu Jan 26, 2012 2:44 am

    Ty only blinked as she barely hugged him and then dashed off down the hall faster than humanly possible.

    That was because she wasn't human. At least that unnaturall-ness was useful for something.

    At least she was properly consealed...

    Now to get rid of Rhys before this got more messed up then it already was.

    "Haven't yeah ever heard of knocking yeah bum?" he grumbled as he pushed open the door and entered the kitchen. "I hear thats the polite way to do these things."
    Rhys Haines
    Rhys Haines
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    Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite) Empty Re: Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite)

    Post by Rhys Haines Thu Jan 26, 2012 2:53 am

    Rhys had arrived in the house to two familiar drunken faces. One was Ty, of course, but Karma was a surprise. How those two met, he would never know.

    Being Rhys, he had desided not to wake them up or make the scene seem much worse than it was, but, instead, make pancakes. In fact, he was almost done when he heard them skitter about.

    As T entered, Rhys smiled, flour across his cheeks.

    "Is that how you treat someone who makes breakfast?" he grinned, "And I did knock. You were passed out with my ex-girlfriend in your arms, you ass!" Rhys said this rather happily.
    Tyler Marks
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    Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite) Empty Re: Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite)

    Post by Tyler Marks Thu Jan 26, 2012 3:06 am

    Ty swore in his head. Of course Rhys would wander the house before he ended up in the kitchen. He didn't really know why he thought he'd be able to hid her.

    He then blinked at the scene for a long moment. Rhys was being... unusually happy. Ty couldn't decide if this was a bad sign or not.

    Finally he ran a head through his hair, "Now, I know I'm forgettin' a lot, but I'm pretty darn sure I woke up quite alone."

    Shaking his head, he walked over to the counter to get some coffee. If he was going to be murdered he might as well have some caffine in him.

    "Why do I have a feelin' I ain't gettin' any of that breakfast?"
    Sixth Year
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    Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite) Empty Re: Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite)

    Post by Karmzy Thu Jan 26, 2012 3:09 am

    Karma was lying across the couch again, having heard Rhysie's statement and got out. She was eating a chocolate frog that she'd found hidden under Ty's couch, not very sure how long it'd been there. She ate it anyway, deciding then that hiding was not her best option anymore.

    With a yawn and something that may have been a stretch, she walked into the kitchen, sniffing the air and muttering something about human food.

    "Hey Rhysie, Ty-ty." Karma sighed, sliding toward the huge muggle contraption that may or may not have had food in it. She opened to door and found orange juice, taking the entire carton and draining it. Man, was she thirsty. She threw the carton, which landed in the trashcan with a satisflying swish.

    She yawned again and sat at the table. "I slept on the couch, Ty-ty. Don't worry about it."
    Tyler Marks
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    Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite) Empty Re: Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite)

    Post by Tyler Marks Thu Jan 26, 2012 8:08 pm

    Ty leaned against the counter and watched blandedly as Karma waltzed in and downed a whole carton of his juice.

    "What is with yeah magicals and consuming all my food," he grumbled to himself, holding his cup close to him. "Don't they feed y'all at that freaky little school of yers?"

    He took a sip and nodded at the girl, "See no arm holdin' or whatever yeah said."

    Rhys Haines
    Rhys Haines
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    Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite) Empty Re: Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite)

    Post by Rhys Haines Thu Jan 26, 2012 8:21 pm

    "Okay, okay, she wasn't next to you, but still," Rhys grabbed the pot of coffee and Ty's cup before pouring both down the sink with a grin. "That's not for you; I made it,"

    He went to the plate of pancakes, a good dozen of them, then sat on the table. He ignored Karma's entrance, but smirked when she drink out of the carton. He had done that tons of times.

    "I said I made breakfast, I never said it was for you," he stated, "Because it seems that some people need to learn the different between my stuff and their stuff,"
    Sixth Year
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    Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite) Empty Re: Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite)

    Post by Karmzy Fri Jan 27, 2012 2:56 am

    Karma ignored Rhys's statement, not really caring if it were about her or not. "Would you like me to cook Breakfast, Ty-ty?" She offered. "Since Rhysie doesn't like sharing?"

    She stood and moved to the stove, her eyes sweeping the knobs and dials. She could cook. She turned to Ty, in time to catch Rhys pour the coffee down the drain. She grinned. "I could make coffee too." She glanced at Rhysie. "And I can make more for you, if you want some, Rhysie."
    Tyler Marks
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    Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite) Empty Re: Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite)

    Post by Tyler Marks Fri Jan 27, 2012 3:32 am

    Ty was about to take a sip of the coffee when it was suddenly out of his hands and down the drain. He glared at Rhys. Really, were they going to do this?

    He snorted, "Are yeah gunna be the one to teach them that? Cause Yeah ain't been able to tell the different between whats mine and yers since we were kids." The man was still sore about the gameboy Rhys had broken around the time the first met - didn't help that he hadn't asked before taking it.

    Ty blinked at Karma as she offered to cook. He really never thought she'd be the type too...

    He really didn't know her at all... except for the fact that she sucked blood - in the case of last night his blood.

    "Oh well, yeah don't..." he shook his head. He was wayy too hungover for this. Maybe he should just attempt to kick them both out of his house and be done with it.
    Rhys Haines
    Rhys Haines
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    Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite) Empty Re: Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite)

    Post by Rhys Haines Fri Jan 27, 2012 8:24 pm

    Rhys rolled his eyes and stuffed a large piece of pancake into his mouth. Once he had swallowed, he gave Ty a cheesy grin.

    "Oh, please. I didn't mean to break it! I wanted to know what a freaking Eevee was, okay? You were blabbing about getting one and I wanted to see! How was I supposed to know you weren't supposed to get it wet?"

    Rhys stared at Karma, then laughed. "You? Your houseelf cooks for you, sweetheart,"
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    Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite) Empty Re: Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite)

    Post by Karmzy Fri Jan 27, 2012 9:12 pm

    Karma was still looking at the stove, her eyebrows furrowed. "Eevee." She said, softly, almost to herself. "the Evolution Pokémon. Eevee is a unique Pokémon that can adapt to its environment by changing its form and abilities when evolving." She frowned again, but shrugged, then turned to Rhys.

    "I can too cook. Lace taught me how, Sweetie Pie." She stuck her tongue out at Rhys. "I let her cook because it gives her something to do." She smiled softly at Ty. "Are you sure you don't want me to make you some breakfast?"
    Tyler Marks
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    Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite) Empty Re: Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite)

    Post by Tyler Marks Fri Jan 27, 2012 10:20 pm

    Ty just smirked, "It seemed like logic to me."

    His stomach rumbled as he watch Rhys eat his food - no matter what Rhys claimed Ty had paid for the ingredents in those pancakes. They were his - and he glared at him was debating how much he wanted one verses how much he valued his hand when Karma came in with a spur of Pokemon lingo.

    He shot her an impressed look, and stated before he really thought about it, "Not bad Karmzy. Where did yeah pick up that bit of language."

    He didn't even want to know what a house-elf was so he wasn't going to ask. Besides... he was pretty sure that Karma was still under the squib - whatever that is - impression Rhys had given out last time they had seen each other.

    "Yeah know what Karmzy," he said after a moment, "Lets see what yeah got on this cookin' thang."
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    Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite) Empty Re: Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite)

    Post by Karmzy Fri Jan 27, 2012 11:27 pm

    Karma grinned. "I had the Official Pokedex Book when I was little. Found it in a book store. It was colorful, so I took it." She shrugged, turning on the stove and putting some butter in the pan so that it wouldn't stick. "I was only five... I've read it so many times, I kinda memorized pieces of it." She reached into the fridge, taking out the half empty container of Shake-and-Bake Pancake Mix.

    She poured the batter on to the pan and watched as it began to slide its way out into a perfect circle. She used half the bottle on the one pancake, but couldn't bring herself to care.

    She started humming, something that vaguely sounded like the Orignal Pokemon theme song. She'd only seen a few episodes when she'd gone over that one muggle's house as a six year old, but she still remembered the tune.
    Rhys Haines
    Rhys Haines
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    Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite) Empty Re: Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite)

    Post by Rhys Haines Sat Jan 28, 2012 12:40 am

    Rhys rolled his eyes at Karma knowledge as he stuffed more pancake into his mouth. Merlin, she was always so weird. He could imagine her on the floor as limp as she was sleeping, blood coming from a wound in her head.

    "I hate you and your muggle stuff, Ty," he stated softly, "If we hadn't met so young, I'd never talk to go again,"

    Tyler Marks
    Tyler Marks

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    Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite) Empty Re: Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite)

    Post by Tyler Marks Sat Jan 28, 2012 12:56 am

    Ty shook his head and smiled ever so slightly as she began half humming something close to the shows theme to herself. Well what did yeah know? The Vamp was full of surprises.

    It also seemed Rhysie was full of surprises too, this morning. Tyler wanted to say he wasn't attached to the boy, that he had always been rational about their relationship seeing as he knew Rhys's demenor. Since a young age, since they had known each other he had been... unattached to most things - everything.

    But it didn't mean the comment didn't sting a bit.

    "Do yeah?" he asked raising an eyebrow. "Well me and my hated stuff definitely provided yeah with that break fast yer scrafin' down so readily."
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    Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite) Empty Re: Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite)

    Post by Karmzy Sat Jan 28, 2012 1:48 am

    Karma ignored Rhys and Tyler as she focused on her Monster Pancake. It was slowly starting to sprout small bubbles. With a frown and a flick of her wrist, the pancake was out of the pan and flipping above her head. She caught it in the pan, wet side down and returned it to the stove. The top side wasn't brown enough, but she'd fix that later.

    "Aw, come on Rhysie, Muggles have music going for them at least... and cartoons." She shrugged and looked into the refridgerator for something to add. She went to the freezer.

    "What kind of Psychopath doesn't keep bacon on hand? Come on Tyty, you're killing me here."
    Rhys Haines
    Rhys Haines
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    Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite) Empty Re: Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite)

    Post by Rhys Haines Sat Jan 28, 2012 5:49 pm

    Rhys shrugged, wishing he didn't throw away the coffee.

    "If you were a girl, I'd marry you though," he decided, standing up and walking to the fridge, "You seem very wife-y,"

    Karma and Ty seemed to be getting along better than he liked, so Rhys slung and arm around Ty's shoulder and shuffled around in his pockets.

    "Here-" he pulled out around twenty pounds, "I said I owed you,"

    "Karma, I take offense to that," he joked, "We love bacon; it's the muggle dude that doesn't have it,"
    Tyler Marks
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    Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite) Empty Re: Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite)

    Post by Tyler Marks Sat Jan 28, 2012 7:34 pm

    Ty gave a wry smirk at that comment, "Aww thank yeah Rhysie. If I were a girl I might say yes. Might. Yeah better have gotten me a good ring. I ain't no cheap bride."

    Ty was debating about going about to make some more coffee - since Rhys so kindly dumped the first one - when the boy slung his arm around him and wonder of wonders actually paid him back.

    "Lord Alimghty, who are yeah and what did yeah do to Rhys Haines," he said with shock and then a smirk as he realized that he knew the answer to that question too - "Tobias, and killed him".

    He took the money and rolled his eyes, "I had bacon, but someone has since eaten it all, and I ain't had time to get more."
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    Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite) Empty Re: Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite)

    Post by Karmzy Sat Jan 28, 2012 11:45 pm

    Karma glanced over her shoulder at the two boys as she flipped the pancake again. It landed with a satisfying splat. "If you two get married, I wanna be the Best Man." She shrugged. "Who else would be it?"

    She returned her focus to the pancake, smiling at the perfectly brown thing. "Plate." She said. Flipping it over and over again a few times without stopping.

    She rolled her eyes at their nonsense. "You're right Rhysie, even a psychopath would have some bacon." She hummed a bit, smirking when Ty called him 'Toby'. She knew that was his name. Wait... Yeah. She knew that. She wasn't sure why, but she wasn't surprised.
    Tyler Marks
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    Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite) Empty Re: Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite)

    Post by Tyler Marks Sun Jan 29, 2012 12:33 am

    "That's up to Rhys here I believe. If he asked, I do believe that makes best man terriotry up to him," Ty stated with a shake of his head as he went to get a plate.

    Swinging around he handed it to the girl, "I don't know it yer pancake will fit."

    "Well forgive me for my lack of bacon," he stated with a roll of his eyes, "I wasn't plannin' on a breakfast party."

    Rhys Haines
    Rhys Haines
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    Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite) Empty Re: Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite)

    Post by Rhys Haines Sun Jan 29, 2012 9:19 pm

    Rhys looked at Karma for a moment, then nodded. He wrapped an arm around Ty's waist with a cheesy smile. He ignored the fact that Ty called him his real name verbally, but, instead, pinched the man's side.

    "As long as you don't steal my wife, you can be it, okay?" he joked, planting a wet kiss on Ty's cheek. He probably wouldn't like that, but, hey, Rhys didn't care. "You'll just have to be jealous of our perfect gay marriage.

    "I don't think Aria would like that every much," He decided, pulling away to sit at the table. He twirled his fork around, thinking. With a shrug, he cut another piece. "I'd probably marry her if she sticks around. She doesn't annoy me,"
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    Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite) Empty Re: Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite)

    Post by Karmzy Sun Jan 29, 2012 9:34 pm

    Karma rolled her eyes at Ty. "I'll MAKE it fit." She said, flipping the pancake into the air with one hand and taking the plate from Ty with the other. "there." She proclaimed when the pancake landed on the plate. It went over on all the sides of the plate, but she grinned anyway. "It's perfect."

    She placed the plate on the table and went to the fridge in search of something else to drink. "There's no orange juice." She whined. "Why isn't there any orange juice?"

    She slumped into the seat next to Ty and pouted. "What kind of loser has no orange juice?" She completely ignored the fact that she'd drank all of the orange juice. He should have just carried more in his fridge.

    She grinned at Rhys. "If you marry Aria, we'll be brother and sister!" She said excitedly, her eyes wide with the prospect of a family. "Wouldn't that be awesome?!"

    Karma looked from Ty to Rhys. "Some marriage it'll be." She said with a small smile and a half yawn.
    Tyler Marks
    Tyler Marks

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    Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite) Empty Re: Last Friday Night - Ty's House (Invite)

    Post by Tyler Marks Sun Jan 29, 2012 11:28 pm

    Ty rolled his eyes and shoved Rhys away from him, whiping off his cheek elaborately with the back of his hand, "Get away from me yeah tool, I'm not drunk enough for that."

    "I take it yer potental wife is the sister who ain't know what feelin's are?" Ty asked dredging something up from the night before.

    He rolled his eyes at Karma and flung the money Rhys had just given him across the table, "Yeah drank it all not ten mintues ago. If yeah want more go get it yerself."

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