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The new generation of witches and wizards has come. Whose side are you on?

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    Family Ties

    Drusilla Selwyn
    Drusilla Selwyn

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    Family Ties  Empty Family Ties

    Post by Drusilla Selwyn Tue Mar 20, 2012 3:55 pm

    Drusilla sat at a table in the Golden Thestral, she leaned back on her chair sipping at her Fire Whiskey, she had manged to convince her cousin to meet her here for a drink and chat. Her cousin and herself were never really that close due to there conflicting views about muggles and muggleborns. Drusilla blames his mother who married into the Umbridge family for teaching him to respect and tolerate muggles/muggle borns and half bloods

    Drusilla decided that because her cousin worked in the Ministry, she would be able to some how use him to sneak into the Department of Mysteries and find some information to bring the Minister down, Drusilla decided that even if she had to use the Imperius curse on him she was getting into the Ministry

    Lachlan Cooper
    Lachlan Cooper
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    Family Ties  Empty Re: Family Ties

    Post by Lachlan Cooper Wed Mar 21, 2012 5:23 am

    Virgo entered the the famous pub and saw his cousin sitting at a table, he walked over and sat down next to her he tried hard not to show an expression of disgust he knew about Drusilla and things she had been up to like breaking into the Ministers vault

    " Hello Drusilla, so why I am here then?" he asked in a very curt way, it was an effort just to be here but I guess she was family after all and his mother had always told him that no matter what you should stay connected with your family
    Drusilla Selwyn
    Drusilla Selwyn

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    Post by Drusilla Selwyn Wed Mar 21, 2012 12:38 pm

    Drusilla smirked as Virgo sat down, he's asked why she had asked to meet him here " Oh cous why so gruff, I mean I thought we should catch up" Drusilla gave a little laugh and took another sip of her fire whiskey

    " So hows mum and dad?" she asked casually
    Lachlan Cooper
    Lachlan Cooper
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    Post by Lachlan Cooper Wed Mar 21, 2012 1:07 pm

    Virgo raised his eyebrow at his cousin's comment about catching up, when had they ever catch up. Virgo then forced out a smile " Ah well there good you know mums busy with writing her books and dads is still working as an oblivator" Virgo then folded his arm and leaned a little closer to Drusilla

    " So what about your parents, how are they.... in Azkaban" Virgo said bluntly
    Drusilla Selwyn
    Drusilla Selwyn

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    Family Ties  Empty Re: Family Ties

    Post by Drusilla Selwyn Thu Mar 22, 2012 1:29 pm

    Drusilla shot her cousin a deathly glare as he mentioned her parents were in Azakaban " Yes they are quite well I pressume, If you ask me they shouldn't be locked up all because they wanted to rid the world of filthy blood" Drusilla then gave an evil smirk

    "Wouldn't you agree dear cousin?" Drusilla said in an innocent voice, knowing fully what Virgo's views were on muggles and muggle borns
    Lachlan Cooper
    Lachlan Cooper
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    Post by Lachlan Cooper Fri Mar 23, 2012 12:56 pm

    Virgo let out a grunt at Drusilla's comment " No not really Drusilla, to be honest I think you and that side of the family are twisted in the head, wouldn't you agree dear cousin?" Virgo said in rather mocking tone

    He couldn't stand the fact that he was related to her, she was fast becoming known as one of the the most evil dark witches in history almost similar to the death eater Bellatrix Lestrange
    Drusilla Selwyn
    Drusilla Selwyn

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    Family Ties  Empty Re: Family Ties

    Post by Drusilla Selwyn Sat Mar 24, 2012 3:11 am

    Drusilla becam enraged by Virgo's comment about the family being twisted, she slammed her fire whiskey hard down on the table and glared at him

    " Let us not forgot that you part of my family, after all your grandmother is my grandfathers sister. And if it wasn't for your pathetic mother you wouldn't have such a warped sense of reality, muggles are DISGUSTING!" she yelled her eyes firmly fixed on his
    Lachlan Cooper
    Lachlan Cooper
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    Post by Lachlan Cooper Sun Mar 25, 2012 7:12 am

    Virgo got a slight fright at Drusilla's reaction, he then grasped his wand firmly as Drusilla insulted his mother, he decided to stop himself from hexing his cousin as for this was a public place and after all he was a Ministry worker and it wouldn't look to good him attacking his own cosuin, despite her reputation

    "My mother is not pathetic she is the only one in the family who has any brains you stupid idoit, I don't know why on earth you wanted to meet me today but how bout you just go disapper, and never think of me as family"

    Virgo then stood up and began walking towards the exit
    Drusilla Selwyn
    Drusilla Selwyn

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    Post by Drusilla Selwyn Sun Mar 25, 2012 1:08 pm

    Drusilla paniced as she saw Virgo stand up and begin to leave, she couldn't let him leave perhaps she would have to eat her words. She would need to some how convince him to help her break into the Ministry and get her to the Department of Mysteries

    Drusilla then leaped up and grabbed his hand firmly " No wait Virgo, let's sit shall we, come on sit" she said gesturing back towards the table they were sitting at
    Lachlan Cooper
    Lachlan Cooper
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    Post by Lachlan Cooper Sun Mar 25, 2012 1:13 pm

    Virgo looked at Drusilla with a confused looked she seemed desperate for him to stay, this was odd seeming they were never really that close, but nevertheless he decided to sit back down

    " Ok fine lets sit, and how about we talk what do you say to that?" he asked Drusilla he voice a rather cold cutting tone in it he really did not what to be here, something seemed weird and not right about it all
    Drusilla Selwyn
    Drusilla Selwyn

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    Post by Drusilla Selwyn Sun Mar 25, 2012 1:22 pm

    Drusilla couldn't help but let out a smirk she was pleased, she had a glimer of hope that she would be able to break in and in turn bring down the Minister who knows perhaps once she has control of the Ministry she might even promote Virgo to Deputy

    " Yes we can sit, so what did you want to talk about, anything you tell me" Drusilla said in soft almost psychotic tone
    Lachlan Cooper
    Lachlan Cooper
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    Post by Lachlan Cooper Sun Mar 25, 2012 1:27 pm

    Virgo then folded his arms and leaned back in his chair " Well lets talk about why you really wanted to see me today shall we?" Virgo said in a very stern voice his eyes firmly fixed on his cousin

    there was no way he was going to let her get away with another one of her evil plans, once he got her plans he would straight away report her to the Aurors
    Drusilla Selwyn
    Drusilla Selwyn

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    Post by Drusilla Selwyn Mon Mar 26, 2012 12:17 am

    Drusilla pursed her lips at Virgo's comment " Oh Virgo why would you think I had an alteria motive, surely two cousin can sit down and have a chat and a catch up right?" Drusilla said

    Drusilla knew she had to work hard to get Virgo back on side or else all her plans would be runied
    Lachlan Cooper
    Lachlan Cooper
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    Post by Lachlan Cooper Mon Mar 26, 2012 12:18 pm

    Virgo shook his head at Drusilla's remark " Well lets see shall we, perhaps because we have never been close an you are fast begining to get a bad name in the wizarding world" Virgo shot his cousin a sharp look

    He wasn't interested inher excuses or why she wanted to meet with him he felt it had something to do with the Minisitry and he didn't want any part of it, he liked his job there and was not going to lose it because of his cousin
    Drusilla Selwyn
    Drusilla Selwyn

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    Post by Drusilla Selwyn Tue Mar 27, 2012 2:01 pm

    Drusilla skulled the last of her fire whiskey and strummed her fingers on the table, she then let out a sigh " Alright then... if you want me to get straight to the point then fine, I need you to get me into the Depart of Mysteries"

    Drusilla looked up at Virgo eaggerly waiting his response
    Lachlan Cooper
    Lachlan Cooper
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    Post by Lachlan Cooper Tue Mar 27, 2012 2:12 pm

    Virgo pursed his lips at his cousin's answer that she wanted to break into the Department of Mysteries, Virgo then rubbed his chin and thought for a moment

    "Oh... and why would you want to get into the Department of Mysteries?" Virgo asked trying to work out what she was planning
    Drusilla Selwyn
    Drusilla Selwyn

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    Post by Drusilla Selwyn Wed Mar 28, 2012 8:50 am

    Drusilla tilted her head from side to side as Virgo asked her the question, she then let out a cackle " Well you see dear cousin, I know theres some very incriminating information locked away in the Department of Mysteries, the kind of information which could help me bring down the Minister"

    Drusilla then leaned in close, "And if you help me get in im will ensure you will be rewarded, as for I can tell you now breaking into Gringotts isn't as hard as it seems" Drusilla said as she gave her cousin a wink
    Lachlan Cooper
    Lachlan Cooper
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    Post by Lachlan Cooper Wed Mar 28, 2012 12:23 pm

    Virgo hesistated for a while as Drusilla made her offer, " I won't need you to break into a vault for me" Virgo said shortly, he then looked around the Golden Thestral then leaned in closer towards his cousin

    " I can't get you into the Department of Mysteries, it's far to high risk. But I can get you into the File room at the Ministry, without it reflecting bad on me if you get caught" Virgo stated

    Drusilla Selwyn
    Drusilla Selwyn

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    Post by Drusilla Selwyn Thu Mar 29, 2012 1:49 pm

    Drusilla strummed her fingers on the table as she thought about Virgo's offer it wasn't exactly what she wanted however I guess it was better than nothing

    " Alright then fine, I guess I should be able to find something in the file room which I can use. So when I want to get in there as soon as possible got it" Drusilla said sternly
    Lachlan Cooper
    Lachlan Cooper
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    Post by Lachlan Cooper Thu Mar 29, 2012 1:52 pm

    Virgo then gave a chuckle and shook his head " Drusilla I really would watch that attitude, as for I don't think your in a position of demanding seeming as thoug you need my help"

    Virgo leaned back in his chair and rubbed his chin as he gazed off into the distance, after a while he then refocused back on his cousin

    "Well I can get you in tomorrow at around about 11:20, just meet me in the entrance to the Ministry then I'll be able to lead you up to the file room"
    Drusilla Selwyn
    Drusilla Selwyn

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    Post by Drusilla Selwyn Fri Mar 30, 2012 1:01 pm

    Drusilla was estactic about this information but held back a smile " Ok sounds like a plan, 11:20 it is then" Drusilla then got up and walked out from the pub, she was pleased she had manged to convince her cousin to get her into the Ministry

    Drusilla then glanced around then made her way through the City of Azorat
    Lachlan Cooper
    Lachlan Cooper
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    Post by Lachlan Cooper Fri Mar 30, 2012 1:07 pm

    Virgo still felt a little unsure about helping out Drusilla, but at least he set it up in a way in which he couldn't possibly get blamed for it

    Virgo left the pub and looked outside it was such a warm day, he then aparated back to London

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