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Hogwarts Regenerated

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The new generation of witches and wizards has come. Whose side are you on?

2 posters

    Thadeus Thorpe

    Thadeus Thorpe
    Thadeus Thorpe
    Furmage Worker
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    Thadeus Thorpe Empty Thadeus Thorpe

    Post by Thadeus Thorpe Mon May 07, 2012 3:00 pm

    Thadeus Thorpe

    Thadeus Thorpe Carlis10

    Laborare Pugnare Parati Sumus, In Veritas et In Virtus
    (To Work or Fight we are Ready, In Truth and In Virtue)

    Thadeus Thorpe Whats_10

    Name: Thadeus Thorpe
    Nickname: Thad
    Age: 45
    Date of Birth: 1st June
    Birthplace: Norway
    Current Home: Norway/England
    Blood Purity: Pure
    Gender: Male
    Sexual alignment: Heterosexual

    Thadeus Thorpe Man_in12

    Face Claim: peter facinelli
    Body type: Muscular, Tall
    Hair: Blonde
    Eyes: Dark/Amber
    Unique features: Family crest Tattoo inbetween his shoulder blades
    Dressing style: Suit and tie type of person.

    Thadeus Thorpe Strong10

    Likes: Healing, Chess, Piano and Harp, Potions, swords.
    Dislikes: Stuck up people. Child abuse, his ex wife, cowidec and bullying
    Fears: War, Death of his daughter and loved ones, People breaking into his strong Occluded mind.
    Strengths: Intelligence, Healing, Compassion
    Weaknesses: Temper, Herbology and correcting people.
    Personality: Thadeus has a peaceful and accepting nature which has allowed him to make many trust worthy friends around the world. Thadeus is extremely loyal to his friends and family aswell. He loves to read and listen to music. He commits to his work as a healer and wants to find cures for certain things through potions and spells.

    Thadeus loves to play the piano and Harp. He taught his daughter to play the piona also. He loves his swords and practice with them in his free time of work. He loves his chess bored and card games. He can be sarcastic and has a bad temper, but no one really has scene that.

    Thadeus Thorpe We_are10

    Father: Full name: Edward Thadueus Thorpe /Age: 85 /Occupation: /Species: humam /Status: deceased
    Mother: Full name: Rozalie Thorpe /Age: 90 /Occupation: /Species: Human /Status: deceased
    Other significant people: Daughter: Full name: Alexa Rozalie Thopre /Age: 22 /Occupation: Head of Hitrost and Transfigurative Arts Professor at Durmstrang /Species: Human /Status: Living
    Aunt: Full name: Scala Del Ray /Age: 666 /Occupation: Creative Arts Professor at Beauxbatons /Species: Vampire /Status: Living
    Ex wife: Full Name: Jane Malfoy Pervell /Age: 43 /Occupation: In Azkaban /Species: Human /Status: Living
    Overall history: Thadeus had grown up as any other normal pure blood was and He had grown up into a loving family. But He was forced into a arranged marriage at the age of 19 to Jane Malfoy Pervell. She was obviously the evil stuck pureblood and had no intrest in him. They both wanted a child, But Thadeus found out while she was pregnant that she had been a death eater from a very young age.

    Thadeus Became a Potions, Occlumency and Legilimency master at the 21. He also became a healer. At 23 his daughter was born and it was the best day of his life. His Wife became pregnant again three years later and a couple of months before the bith of his son, his wife went to a meeting and did something wrong and was punished, leaving his son a squib. He loved his son very much as well. His wifeended up killing him at the age of 5 whcih left his devisted and Jane went inot Azkaban for life. He also found out that his daughter was abused by her own mother. He whised he knew, but he was hardly home because of work.

    Thadeus Thorpe Spell_10

    Favourite Spell:
    Signature Spell: (A spell they will be known for casting)
    Patronus: Golden Lion with his daughters green eyes.

    Thadeus Thorpe Gimme_10

    Wand: Black Rose oak, Pheonix feather and Basilisk venom, 13 inches long.
    Other belongings: family ring with crest

    Thadeus Thorpe You_go10

    Asric Chaos
    Asric Chaos
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    Thadeus Thorpe Empty Re: Thadeus Thorpe

    Post by Asric Chaos Tue May 08, 2012 2:59 pm

    Thadeus Thorpe Profil15

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