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Hogwarts Regenerated

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The new generation of witches and wizards has come. Whose side are you on?

2 posters

    Ain't No Other Man

    Nate Ashwood
    Nate Ashwood

    Posts : 178
    Join date : 2011-11-07

    Ain't No Other Man Empty Ain't No Other Man

    Post by Nate Ashwood Wed Jul 04, 2012 7:14 pm

    Nate downed his three espresso shots quickly and consecutively, his eyes constantly flickering to the clock. Doctor Roberts had insisted that he got outside of the lab for some fresh air- Nate had, after all, spent the night there too.

    1 hour and 20 minutes left.

    His leg began to bounce up and down underneath the table impatiently, and he rubbed the back of his neck, trying to figure out how he could kill some time.

    Sighing, he slung his raggedy rucksack off of one of his shoulders and into his lap, and dug around in it, gnawing at his lip as he did so. A few moments later, Nate set out his new notebook and biro pen, and began to scrawl notes into the blank pages- his enthusiasm growing as he continued, and his hand moving faster across the lines.

    Adria Mason
    Adria Mason

    Posts : 132
    Join date : 2012-07-03

    Ain't No Other Man Empty Re: Ain't No Other Man

    Post by Adria Mason Wed Jul 04, 2012 7:21 pm

    Though Adria was exhausted from the recent travelling she had done, she couldn't help but be excited to be back in France. She had finally found someone to look after her bookstore back in England and the club where she works, found a substitute just till she got back.

    A smile was on her face as she walked into her favourite café and looked around the all too familiar settings. She went up to the counter and ordered a cup of coffee and a cupcake.

    As she searched for a place to sit, her gaze fell on a guy sitting by himself, though he did seem occupied. Hoping that he wouldn't mind, she made her way to his table.

    "Hey, is this seat taken?" She asked with a grin.

    Last edited by Adria Mason on Fri Jul 06, 2012 8:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Nate Ashwood
    Nate Ashwood

    Posts : 178
    Join date : 2011-11-07

    Ain't No Other Man Empty Re: Ain't No Other Man

    Post by Nate Ashwood Wed Jul 04, 2012 7:29 pm

    Nate immediately stopped writing as soon as the approaching stranger spoke, and looked up to the source of the voice.

    And what a pretty source it was.

    Swallowing thickly, the man nodded and quickly slid his three small empty glasses of coffee to the side to make room, before hastily returning to his notes.

    He really, really did not know how to deal with people. Praying silently that she would not spark conversation so that he would be able to avoid being embarrassed, Nate picked up his pen again and continued to write- this time, at a more steady pace.
    Adria Mason
    Adria Mason

    Posts : 132
    Join date : 2012-07-03

    Ain't No Other Man Empty Re: Ain't No Other Man

    Post by Adria Mason Wed Jul 04, 2012 7:42 pm

    Adria raised an eyebrow amusedly at the man's shyness, she shrugged and took a seat opposite to his. She didn't have that much of an interest in men, nor did she ever pay attention to looks, but this seemed to be an exception. She knew it was just for a few seconds he actually looked at her, but she already had her impression.

    As she watched his hurried writing, she was reminded of a younger version when she would scribble down her Chemistry equations like it was the easiest thing in the world. A part of her missed that, but she was currently satisfied being surrounded by books.

    "Looks like someone is on a mission to save the world or something," she commented teasingly and took a sip of her coffee.

    She was usually good with people, though something said this was going to take a while. Luckily for him, I'm a patient woman, she thought and smiled a little to herself.

    Last edited by Adria Mason on Fri Jul 06, 2012 8:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Nate Ashwood
    Nate Ashwood

    Posts : 178
    Join date : 2011-11-07

    Ain't No Other Man Empty Re: Ain't No Other Man

    Post by Nate Ashwood Wed Jul 04, 2012 8:40 pm

    Nate's eyebrows furrowed, trying to focus on his notes rather than the dangerously attractive stranger. A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips in response to her comment- she was witty, he appreciated,- but otherwise kept his gaze locked onto his book.

    "Biophysics," he murmured, writing slowly- and for some reason, taking care in writing the stems of his d's.

    "I'm working on genetic engineering- it could save the world, but we don't have enough funding from-" By then, Nate had lifted his gaze and met hers, and he quickly cut off his sentence and returned to re-reading his notes.

    The man smiled sheepishly down at his paper and muttered, "Sorry."
    Adria Mason
    Adria Mason

    Posts : 132
    Join date : 2012-07-03

    Ain't No Other Man Empty Re: Ain't No Other Man

    Post by Adria Mason Wed Jul 04, 2012 8:53 pm

    Adria didn't miss the subtle upturn of his lips and for a moment, she felt encouraged. She wished he'd look at her, but she had to admit that his shyness was highly endearing.

    "Biophysics? Wow, that is amazing!" She exclaimed and grinned wider. She listened to him speak but was disappointed when he stopped abruptly.

    His voice was just something she wouldn't mind listening to all day.

    "Don't have enough funding from the government?" She finished his sentence questioningly. "Tell me about it. I swear they are just lying half the time when they say they are rich."

    Shaking her head at him, she said, "No need to be sorry. I'm Adria, by the way."

    Last edited by Adria Mason on Fri Jul 06, 2012 8:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Nate Ashwood
    Nate Ashwood

    Posts : 178
    Join date : 2011-11-07

    Ain't No Other Man Empty Re: Ain't No Other Man

    Post by Nate Ashwood Wed Jul 04, 2012 9:50 pm

    Nate looked up after she had spoken, his dark eyes alight with his passion for science, and his eyebrows raised in mild shock.

    "You're into science?" he asked, clearly bewildered. She seemed so... His hand slipped into his pocket, and he pinched his leg hard.

    Someone so attractive, had an interest in science and was friendly? He genuinely did not trust himself not to be just dreaming.

    He shook his head, his lips thinning disapprovingly, "No, they have the money. They're just not willing to invest into the future."

    The man smiled awkwardly and stuck out his hand in front of him, "Nate." he introduced himself, and took off his reading glasses in one quick fluid movement with the other hand.
    Adria Mason
    Adria Mason

    Posts : 132
    Join date : 2012-07-03

    Ain't No Other Man Empty Re: Ain't No Other Man

    Post by Adria Mason Wed Jul 04, 2012 9:58 pm

    Adria was taken aback by the look in the man's eyes. The passion she saw in them was overwhelming, and for a moment, it felt unrealistic.

    "Why do you find it so shocking?" She asked with a raised eyebrow, thought she was grinning lightly. "Do I look like just an idiotic blonde chick who can't love organic Chemistry and Biotechnology?" She asked, chuckling softly.

    She had to admit he was turning out to be quite the catch. His type wasn't her normal choice, but he was highly intriguing to her. And she wanted to find out more.

    "They'll invest into the future when they steal ideas from others," she stated with a sigh. "It's really sad, isn't it?"

    She giggled lightly and shook her head once more. "Keep the glasses, it looks hot." Shaking his hand firmly but gently, she smiled, "Pleasure to meet you, Nate."

    Last edited by Adria Mason on Fri Jul 06, 2012 8:05 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Nate Ashwood
    Nate Ashwood

    Posts : 178
    Join date : 2011-11-07

    Ain't No Other Man Empty Re: Ain't No Other Man

    Post by Nate Ashwood Wed Jul 04, 2012 10:14 pm

    "N-no." he stuttered, the swell of confidence that he had emerged a few moments before ebbing away, and his gaze looked down to the pen he was fiddling with in his hand.

    "I just wasn't expecting- well, most people don't even- and for youto-"

    Shut up, Nate! he ordered himself mentally, and abruptly closed his mouth. The man rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, with a small apologetic smile.

    "It is." he frowned deeply, resting the pen in the middle of his double page. "None of them really understand properly- if they would just let someone explain to them-" he trailed off, and raked his palm over his face with a frustrated sigh.

    Nate's eyes widened, and he felt his cheeks stain bright red. "I-I'm only meant to wear them whe-when I'm reading." he mumbled, putting them in his front chest pocket.
    Adria Mason
    Adria Mason

    Posts : 132
    Join date : 2012-07-03

    Ain't No Other Man Empty Re: Ain't No Other Man

    Post by Adria Mason Wed Jul 04, 2012 10:29 pm

    "I'm just kidding, Nate," Adria told reassuringly with a smile. "Besides, you'd probably hate me if I told you what I did for a living," she muttered. "Actually, I own a bookstore and that is during the day. At night, whole different story," she shrugged.

    She nodded her head in agreement. "I know, most people aren't into Science. When I was a kid, I used to get teased a lot but managed to survive because I looked good," she told and laughed, strands of her hair falling on her forehead.

    "Someone like you, perhaps?" She asked, her eyes shining with mischief. "If you ever need help with that, let me know."

    Adria pouted at him playfully before grinning once more. "I'll have to make you read more then," she remarked with a wink. "Can I see what you were writing?" She asked curiously.
    Nate Ashwood
    Nate Ashwood

    Posts : 178
    Join date : 2011-11-07

    Ain't No Other Man Empty Re: Ain't No Other Man

    Post by Nate Ashwood Fri Jul 06, 2012 10:54 pm

    Nate frowned, fighting the temptation to ask her exactly what she did do at night- but he knew better than to pry on other people's business. Particularly a stranger's. Instead, he chose not to answer at all, but responded with a weak smile and returned to reading his notes again.

    He rubbed the back of his neck again, a nervous habit of his, sheepishly. "Yeah." he murmured in agreement. It wasn't exactly his intelligence that got him bullied in school- more his lack of social competence.

    His dark eyes widened, and he shook his head. "No, better have tried and failed." he mumbled. "It's the way it is- probably the way it always will be." Nate shrugged one shoulder, as if he could do nothing else to help the matter.

    "R-right." he replied awkwardly to her flirting. This wasn't exactly his area of expertise.

    "My notes? Uh..." he trailed off, flipping to the front page before sliding it across the table. "I'm not sure you'd understand much of it- N-no offence, but unless you have a d-degree in genetics and-" his voice died down slowly, awaiting her reaction to his work.

    Adria Mason
    Adria Mason

    Posts : 132
    Join date : 2012-07-03

    Ain't No Other Man Empty Re: Ain't No Other Man

    Post by Adria Mason Fri Jul 06, 2012 11:09 pm

    Adria noticed that the man was curious but was relieved that he didn't ask. She wasn't exactly willing to tell him anyway, considering the fact that he might actually be interested in her. No need to ruin it in the first try.

    "I'm talking too much of shit, aren't I?" She asked with a sheepish smile. "Sorry, I just don't want you to feel intimidated by me or anything because you know, you seem like a really nice guy." She blushed a little and twirled her hair.

    She scoffed at that and said, "Just because others couldn't do it doesn't mean you cannot. Honestly, what is it with men these days?" She muttered but grinned lightly.

    "I don't have a degree in genetics but I've always had a good grasp on concepts," she replied and looked at Nate. "Sure you don't mind?"
    Nate Ashwood
    Nate Ashwood

    Posts : 178
    Join date : 2011-11-07

    Ain't No Other Man Empty Re: Ain't No Other Man

    Post by Nate Ashwood Mon Jul 09, 2012 9:27 pm

    "I'm not intimidated." Nate murmured stubbornly, keeping his gaze firmly locked on his notes. If it was one thing he resented, it was when his weaknesses were addressed. He had always been easily intimidated- it was in his nature.

    The man returned her grin, taking a moment to enjoy how it looked on her, before shaking his head insistently. "If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." he quoted, and shrugged one shoulder. "I'm not good at explaining," he admitted, slipping his pen into his pocket, "and most politicians would find it hard to understand."

    Nate bit the inside of his cheek, and shook his head. "Actually," he mumbled, sticking out his hand expectantly for his book to be returned, "I've got to head back."

    Doctor Roberts wouldn't mind too much if he came back a little early.
    Adria Mason
    Adria Mason

    Posts : 132
    Join date : 2012-07-03

    Ain't No Other Man Empty Re: Ain't No Other Man

    Post by Adria Mason Tue Jul 10, 2012 8:42 pm

    "This is really not working, is it?" Adria asked with a sigh and smiled lightly. "I apologize again, I'm usually good with people, but you seem to be having a different effect on me," she admitted and shrugged.

    "Quoting Einstein, eh? Never fails with the ladies," she remarked and smiled teasingly. "Have you ever tried explaining? Because if you haven't, then you can't say that you're no good at it," she pointed out.

    She was a disappointed by the fact that she had probably scared Nate off. Just like the other guys, she thought with a sigh.

    "Okay," she murmured and smiled weakly as she handed back the book. "It was nice meeting you."

    It was fun while it lasted.

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