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The new generation of witches and wizards has come. Whose side are you on?

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    bad enough for you

    Blaze Kristian
    Blaze Kristian
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    bad enough for you  Empty bad enough for you

    Post by Blaze Kristian Fri Jan 25, 2013 4:37 pm

    Blaze sighed as he walked along the Muggle streets, taking it all in. It was nearly the end of the summer and school would opening once again after a couple of weeks.

    He looked around the surroundings and found that he had somehow ended up in front of the Derelict building. He remembered vaguely using this place as a hideout, for when police or bad guys were after him. Of course, He hadn't seen it in years though.

    The Hufflepuff resisted the urge to get awsy, as some horrible memories crossed his mind. It wouldn't do any good to dwell on such things, and he'd rather let them go.

    His black sneakers barely made any noise as he walked across the threshold, not even sure what he was seeing. It looked as though more damage was done to the place, but he was glad it was still standing.

    And though he heard footsteps nearby, Blaze didn't move an inch, already having his wand at the ready and his posture calm.
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    bad enough for you  Empty Re: bad enough for you

    Post by Ray Fri Jan 25, 2013 9:22 pm

    The young Ravenclaw walked along the muggle streets, trying to keep hidden, as she had just come from an alley with a large bruise - well, a large hickey on her neck. She didn't like it. Not at all, really. It wasn't as if she got the hickey against his will, because as Blaze once said, she'd hurt any boy who tried touching her.

    Speak of the devil and he shall appear, she couldn't help but think dryly as she spotted him, his wand ready to attack.

    Just to humour him, she decided to take on a very innocent voice, acting like a muggle. "Why are you pointing a stick at me?" But her voice was very clearly distiguishable as... well... her. Hunter McCoy. And considering she's been living with Blaze for the last few weeks, made her voice a lot easier to identify.

    "If this is a bad time, I can leave, find somewhere else," she turned away from the sight of him, actually a little anxious. She didn't want him to see the hickey. And anyway, the person who dared give it to her was somewhere unconscious, hidden in a trash box. Just in case he turns towards her, she tugged her hair and swung it around her neck; but the stupid hickey could still be seen.

    God damn it, she thought to herself, growling in frustration. A sudden, stupid idea came to her and she just swung her hand onto her neck to cover the hickey. It was unconvincing and was sure to make Blaze suspicious, but she couldn't show him.
    Blaze Kristian
    Blaze Kristian
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    bad enough for you  Empty Re: bad enough for you

    Post by Blaze Kristian Sat Jan 26, 2013 9:13 am

    On hearing the Ravenclaw's voice, Blaze just rolled his eyes and scoffed at her tone. "You should try to disguise your sound better next time," he remarked, turning around to face her. "Or do you want me to show you just what I can do with my 'stick'?"

    "No, you can stay," he replied with a shrug of his shoulders, leaning against the wall. Hunter's actions didn't leave his notice, as his eyes were gazing at her intently. Living with her was not going as bad as he thought it would, for which he was glad. He did not need any more complications.

    Not moving from his spot, Blaze raised an eyebrow and tilted his head amusedly. "What's wrong with your neck? Do not tell me someone tried to hurt you again, because honest to Merlin, I will kick their ass."

    The Hufflepuff felt he had tolerated enough without taking any action, but even after taking her away with him if she was still getting in trouble, he wouldn't stand for it.

    After all, he had nothing or no one to lose.
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    bad enough for you  Empty Re: bad enough for you

    Post by Ray Sat Jan 26, 2013 10:17 am

    "You just know my voice too well," she retorted, taking in his appearance when he turned to her. His next words made her face flush without her permission. "That wasn't what I was talking about!" Typical boy...

    She nearly groaned in frustration. The Ravenclaw wanted him to tell her to leave, because she did not want to Blaze to see the wretched hickey forced on her. Damn muggle, she grumbled to herself. That's what you get for going on a date, McCoy.

    And it was true. She did go on a date. It was a lame attempt to try to get over Blaze, because she knew she'll never have a chance with him. Then again, she fell in too deep. Way too deep. She loved him, but she hated the fact she did. It made her feel weak and... pathetic. Soft.

    "There's nothing wrong with my neck," she quickly said, shaking her head vigorously, keeping her hand firmly on her neck. "You don't have to do anything to the lad. He... well... I... I went on a date."

    It flattered her that he would hurt someone for her, but she did not want any trouble. Not this time. And either way, the man who 'hurt' her would be too scared to even come near her.
    Blaze Kristian
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    bad enough for you  Empty Re: bad enough for you

    Post by Blaze Kristian Sat Jan 26, 2013 1:07 pm

    "Talking about what?" Blaze asked in confusion, but then it struck him just as quick. Shaking his head, he let out a laugh and smirked at the brunette. "Actually McCoy, that part of me is hardly what I call a stick."

    That answer didn't help with the Hufflepuff's curiosity. In fact, it only spiked to a greater level. "A date is one thing, but..." he paused, looking at her as though the answer was on her face. "Did he try to hurt you? Honestly McCoy, you either have the worst taste in lads, or the guy was just pathetic."

    He was not too worried though, Hunter did know how to fight back, at least enough to get away. And really, which idiotic boy would do something rash to his date in a public place?

    "You two weren't getting cozy in an alley, were you?" Blaze muttered, running his hands through his hair. "Hang on...did he try to force himself on you?" He asked in a deadly calm voice.

    If yes, that boy was not going to see the light of day.
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    bad enough for you  Empty Re: bad enough for you

    Post by Ray Sat Jan 26, 2013 1:50 pm

    She snorted at his arrogance, "I wouldn't know," she drawled, raising an eyebrow at him, "I never had the unfortunate privilege to judge, though. I don't fancy knowing either, for that matter."

    "He didn't try to hurt me!" She retorted. "He won't be able to hurt me, anyway. He'll sooner lose his limbs - literally - than try hurting me." That is, unless he took me by surprise. "And my taste in guys is normal!" Then again, Blaze isn't necessarily considered normal...

    Hunter was perfectly fine the whole time. They went, had some lunch, snogged in an alley for a while, but she panicked and attacked him when his hand went under her shirt and his lips went on her neck. It just felt plain wrong when it wasn't the Hufflepuff giving her such treatment. It made was uncomfortable, and made her shudder in disgust, push him away, and throw him, injure him - probably maim him - and throw him in the nearest trash box while he was unconscious.

    "We... I find that to be none of your business," she replied defensively, keeping her hand plastered to her neck firmly. "And he didn't try forcing himself on me either. He was just... going too fast." That makes so much sense...
    Blaze Kristian
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    Post by Blaze Kristian Sat Jan 26, 2013 2:05 pm

    "Not yet you don't," the Hufflepuff said, smirk still in place. "Speaking of which, no one actually had the 'unfortunate privilege', because as much of a player I am, I'm not that low or cheap."

    The smirk turning into a grin, Blaze raised in hands in mock surrender at the brunette's outburst. "Alright, I believe you. I would appreciate if you did not murder the guy though, I've heard it's a lot of work to hide away a dead body."

    At least, that is what he had picked up from his parents.

    "Bit your neck like a vampire? Yes, I suppose that is fast," he said, pretending to think about and rolled his eyes. "Oh wait a minute, is that...a love bite?" He questioned, his eyebrow inching higher, his posture still unmoving. "I see that practice has begun then. Tell me, how was the experience?"
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    bad enough for you  Empty Re: bad enough for you

    Post by Ray Sat Jan 26, 2013 3:07 pm

    "You seem confident in yourself," she commented. At the new piece of information she was given, she couldn't help but feel lighter, happier. But of course, she didn't show it, "I never took you as that sort of person, anyway," she said instead. She was being honest, though. Blaze wasn't low or cheap, as he had said.

    She crossed her arms at him, "You better believe me, because I'm right," She rolled her eyes at his next sentence, "As if you care if I killed him. And if you just hide the lad in a trash box, no one would know what happened!"

    She vaguely wondered how he'd know it's hard to hide the body. Then again, it might just be a joke.

    "If you must know, he had his hands under my shirt," she muttered, avoiding his gaze. When he finally figured out what she was hiding, she reluctantly nodded and took her hand off to reveal the love bite in question. "It was horrible, and felt plain weird."

    A sudden memory crossed her. When they first met, Blaze had also given her a hickey. Hunter just hoped he wouldn't remember.
    Blaze Kristian
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    bad enough for you  Empty Re: bad enough for you

    Post by Blaze Kristian Sat Jan 26, 2013 4:21 pm

    "I just know certain things for sure McCoy, that doesn't make me too confident," Blaze commented with a sly smile. "You didn't? Well then, maybe you are not such a bad judge in people as I thought you were. Either way, I'm glad I didn't give you that impression."

    He shrugged his shoulders, "I do care because the last thing I want is for you to end up in Azkaban or something for committing murder. And you did what?" His voice turned to surprise before letting out another laugh. "You hid the boy in a trash box? How sensible."

    However on hearing the Ravenclaw's next words, all traces of humour left his face and he narrowed his eyes at her. His posture tensed and his fists clenched momentarily before letting go in release. He moved away from the wall, but made no motion to go towards her.

    "Really? I don't recall you pushing me away from my lovebite," the Hufflepuff murmured, though his eyes had darkened lightly, though this time, it was perhaps out of anger.
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    bad enough for you  Empty Re: bad enough for you

    Post by Ray Sun Jan 27, 2013 4:42 pm

    The young Ravenclaw raised an eyebrow at him, "So what you're saying is that you're absolutely certain that I will eventually want to sleep with you," she checked, voice heavy with sarcasm, the teenager in her mind insisting, That's already happened and Hunter ignoring that part of her brain as usual, as always.

    "I wouldn't commit murder," she insisted, "Not yet anyway. And... thanks for caring," her voice dropped down, and she was unsure if she was heard. She looked up at him, "You shouldn't be surprised, I've made people lose their limbs before and hid them in a neighbour's bushes. Then again, I'm not quite sure if you know that..."

    She watched the Hufflepuff cautiously when the words slipped out of her mouth, as if he might explode in anger or anything like that - truth was, she expected it. The boy - man - was unpredictable, and she didn't know how he would react to each thing that happened to her. She knew she'd have to tread carefully around the subject.

    "I didn't push you away because you didn't make me bleed, nor did you bite really hard. Damn muggle was mental, probably trying to tear my skin off," she grumbled, rubbing the large bruise on her neck, which was still throbbing.

    Last edited by Hunter McCoy on Mon Jan 28, 2013 2:58 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Blaze Kristian
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    bad enough for you  Empty Re: bad enough for you

    Post by Blaze Kristian Mon Jan 28, 2013 2:08 pm

    "Actually, I think you've already felt the urge to sleep with me since we met," the Hufflepuff mused, his smile turning into a smirk. "It is alright, the step of self-denial before admission is something I'm common with. And when you do realize that, you know where to find me. Besides, worse things could happen, you know."

    Blaze's eyes didn't leave the Ravenclaw. "I don't really care per se, but since I do know you and accept you, I do not want you to get in trouble for doing stupid and rash things just to get back at those sons of bitches." Really, wasn't it his job to do those kind of extreme things? "Guess what, I do know that now," he remarked dryly and rolled his eyes once more.

    Finally he moved from his place, and within a quick few steps, he was in front of Hunter. "You know McCoy, I can't say I'm really happy to hear that such a thing happened," he muttered angrily, his brown orbs flashing darkly. "I do not know which pathetic Muggle thought he could lay hands on you, but just so we are in the clear, it is not happening again."

    "By that I mean, no one touches you in any way, good or bad."
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    bad enough for you  Empty Re: bad enough for you

    Post by Ray Mon Jan 28, 2013 4:42 pm

    "I haven't felt the urge to sleep with you since we met," she scoffed, rolling her eyes at him. Only from the second time we saw each other, the annoying voice in her head added. "I'm not denying anything. I'm simply telling the truth!" She blatantly ignored the fact that Blaze had implied that he offered to sleep with her. Then again, it was Blaze Kristian, and he was probably just being sarcastic...

    Well that makes me feel nice, she thought to herself sarcastically, inwardly rolling her eyes at him. Outwardly, she shrugged, seemingly uncaring, "Not rash, if I killed anyone I would have a really good reason, not something silly like a muggle thinking it was fine to stuff his hands in my shirt." Her mind wandered to her family, her mother and brother, who were killed, and they didn't deserve their death. Hunter may have gotten over them, but death was a subject she did not like at all. She grinned mock-innocently at him at his comment.

    "Hold on," she interrupted him, anger flashing in her features, "I'm all for the Muggle staying away from me, but you can't decide if someone touching me is happening again or not. That's not your choice to make, that's my choice. If I was someone touching me then you won't be able to stop me!"

    "...And when, exactly, did I give you permission to dictate who gets to touch me?"
    Blaze Kristian
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    bad enough for you  Empty Re: bad enough for you

    Post by Blaze Kristian Tue Jan 29, 2013 11:33 am

    "Are you telling me that you haven't even thought of it at least once?" Blaze questioned with a not so innocent smile. "I may not understand girls most of the time, but just for the record, I do understand you." And that was nothing but the truth for him. "Truth is often misunderstood as denial and maybe vice versa," he smirked.

    "No reason is good enough to really kill someone at this age McCoy," the Hufflepuff retorted. "I know when you get the urge, believe me when I say that I've been there, but you need to hold it out for a little while more." He knew it was perhaps wrong, but he wanted nothing more to murder his parents, and he would have been all up for it, had they not sentenced to Azkaban for life.

    He shook his head, running his hands through his hair. "I do get to decide that I do not want some freak laying his grimy fingers all over you. No one can make you feel the way I do McCoy, so you might as well get used to it," he stated, his eyes still remaining dark.

    "And I do not need your permission for that," Blaze told in a harsh whisper as he pushed the brunette against the wall and placed his lips on hers.

    It was mostly similar to their previous kisses, but perhaps this was more of the pent up desire and anger from both their sides. Just the mere thought of someone else having been in physical contact with Hunter like this, was enough to raise his bad mood and move closer to her, not letting go.
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    Post by Ray Wed Jan 30, 2013 5:58 pm

    "I've had nightmares about it, if that's what you mean," the Ravenclaw replied mock-sweetly. "I'm a very hard person to understand, and I highly doubt that you of all people would. I'd be very surprised if you did," she stated raising an eyebrow at him. "I'm not denying anything," she denied, crossing her arms stubbornly over her chest.

    "I haven't killed anyone yet though, have I?" She replied calmly, "I know that I'm not old enough to kill anyone, I know I'm mentally incapable of such thing, because I'm too weak for it." She paused, sucking in some breath, before breathing out and looking up at him, "The only person I am capable of killing is my father, but he's rotting in jail, and he deserves a slow and painful death, full of torture." She unconsciously clenched her fists so tightly, pressing her nails to her palm so hard that she was bleeding.

    "Who are you to decide if someone touches me or not? You don't even care about me. You said so yourself; you don't care about anyone, so why would someone touching me matter to you at all?" her voice was taking an angry edge to it as she spoke. She snorted at his next words, "And what kind of special species are you? Why do you get to dictate my emotions?"

    At first, Hunter tried pushing back against him, but Blaze was too strong for her. A moment after refusing to react to his kiss, she relaxed slightly, wrapping her arms around him. Her anger was evident in her kiss. All thoughts in her mind flew out of her mind when he pressed his lips to hers, except for one: Blaze Kristian is a damn good kisser.

    Too soon for her, the brunette had to pause for breath, and everything came rushing back. Without even thinking about it, she raised her hand, and slapped him. "You do not get to decide what feels I give for who," she said darkly, her eyes looking black for a moment.
    Blaze Kristian
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    bad enough for you  Empty Re: bad enough for you

    Post by Blaze Kristian Fri Feb 01, 2013 9:45 am

    "In case you forgot McCoy, I have been in similar if not worse situations that you have," he muttered with a roll of his eyes. "Unless you can find someone else like that, I'm sure I'm the only one who can come close to accepting that twisted mind of yours."

    Blaze nodded his head, indifferent to the Ravenclaw's logic. "Well, as long as you are aware of that, I suppose we wouldn't be having any problems." He had had the urge to kill more than once before, perhaps a little after his parents had been sent to Azkaban. But locked up there means he couldn't do anything. But with his luck, they'd probably die in a few months.

    "It matters to me because it's you," the Hufflepuff growled, feeling angry at the brunette's stubbornes. "I don't give a fuck about anyone, and I don't want to give a fuck about you either, but maybe I do."

    He really couldn't stand the thought of some desperate creep going after her. "If you want to have a boyfriend, at least find someone who gives a damn about you," Blaze said in a harsh whisper, his hold on her not tightening.

    If the brown haired boy was pissed off before, it was nothing compares to what he felt now. "I do not care who you like or who you sleep with,but I do care if he's a son of a bitch," the Hufflepuff breathed in Hunter's ear, pressing his body close to hers in a sinful way.

    His hands trailed down her arms, and held her wrists against the wall. "Kiss me now McCoy and show me I'm better for you," he demanded. "Or you will never get a chance to so much as touch me again."
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    Post by Ray Wed Feb 06, 2013 2:44 pm

    "I couldn't forget something like that, it's one of the only things that ties us together," she responded, shrugging in his direction. "Someone else would be just too much trouble for me and I'll probably end up being the reason he dies." She didn't deny that she was twisted, because she knew that no sane person would throw a man in a trash box. Or even hurt him enough to give her the opportunity, for that matter.

    She nodded to him, not commenting on his words, because he was right. She didn't want any problems with the ministry, and didn't want to get thrown into Azkaban because of something so simple and stupid. But there was one thing still nagging at her mind. Why does he mind if I got in trouble?

    "What's so different about me than anyone else?" she asked him, determined to get a proper answer from him. Then she froze, his words repeating in her head. " I don't want to give a fuck about you either, but maybe I do." His words wouldn't leave her mind, and she found it very difficult to move, but eventually, she found strength enough to twist her head towards him and ask, "You care about me?"

    "I don't want a boyfriend," was her quick response, "They're useless and only want a girl for one thing; something I know I'll never give them, and I don't want to give them either."

    "I don't like anyone, and I certainly don't want to sleep with them either!" She burst out, her breath uneven from the closure between them. All she could concentrate on was her racing heartbeat drumming loudly in her chest.

    The Ravenclaw wrenched her wrists from his hold and tugged his shirt towards her,smashing his lips to hers roughly. "There's too much pleasure involved in this," she murmured against his mouth, not pulling away. Moments later, a hand was tangled in his hair, and the other still held a fistful of fabric from his shirt.
    Blaze Kristian
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    bad enough for you  Empty Re: bad enough for you

    Post by Blaze Kristian Thu Feb 07, 2013 5:47 pm

    "Well then, I really would not want to put anyone else in my position," Blaze scoffed. "If it was some other guy, he perhaps would have been freaked out to have such a fucked up thing in common with someone."

    But the Hufflepuff was actually glad to have come across this girl who actually understood his actions.

    What could he say to her in response? The truth? But he did not know the truth himself, he was confused. He was almost sure he cared, but was it enough? What if it was just a temporary feeling of security? He growled angrily in agitation, his hand pulling at his hair.

    Finally, he gave her a nod in the affirmative.

    "That is so amazing to hear McCoy," the brown haired boy smirked slyly, his eyes glinting darkly. "Oh don't you worry, you are not going to give a guy anything, least of all fuck him." He stated. "And of course you do not like anyone, why would you since I'm here?"

    Blaze barely registered what was happening through his barely veiled anger, before their lips collided. But it was not enough. He needed, craved more than that.

    Moving even closer to the brunette, he placed his hands on the wall on the sides of her head, their bodies barely having any space in between. His lips moved deftly against hers and he purposely did not touch her, simply to tease.

    "You can leave if you want," he told huskily, his lips trailing down, growling against her skin as she tugged his hair. "You can go right now, and we do not have to speak to each other again. After all, you want to date others, yes?"

    "If you choose to stay, say that you're mine McCoy," the Hufflepuff whispered dangerously. "No other shall lay a finger on you."
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    bad enough for you  Empty Re: bad enough for you

    Post by Ray Sat Feb 09, 2013 9:23 am

    "Well, thank Merlin you're not some other guy. If you were, you'd have been long gone and you wouldn't have gotten me away from my father," she muttered, "If you were some other guy, I'd have a lot more bruises and scars. Hell, I'd probably be dead." The words were spilling out of the Ravenclaw's mouth unintentionally, and she inwardly cursed, while mentally slapping herself. Just had to go and mention it, she thought bitterly to herself.

    After his nod, she nearly jumped. He care about her. Blaze Kristian, a man with no emotions, cared about her, a fuck up in life. It took all the power in her body to not cheer, to not act really happy; but the corners of her mouth curled up into a sort of half-smile, something she realy hoped the Hufflepuff would miss.

    "Of course I'm not going to give a guy anything - he'd take off the moment I get close! Some men just don't appreciate the bad girls... granted, I'm at least seventeen times worse than any other 'bad girl'..." she murmured back, "Well, you're so full of yourself, aren't you?" She rolled her eyes at him, but didn't deny his statement. It was true, wasn't it?

    The Ravenclaw pulled Blaze even closer to her, wanting - craving - him. There was no space at all between the two. Not anymore. A hand tangled deeper into his hair, while the other slipped his shirt, feeling his bare skin against her. A low sound escaped her lips, and her tongue ran over his bottom lip gently, before pulling away for breath.

    "I won't leave," she said firmly, her voice unwavering, even though she had to fight back shivers effecting her. "And dating that other guy was a one time thing - he wouldn't leave me alone until I said yes to that..."

    "I-I'm yours. But o-only if- only if-" she said, finally giving into her body and shivering under his touch. It was hard to concentrate at this closure. "Only if you say the same," she finally managed to say breathlessly.
    Blaze Kristian
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    bad enough for you  Empty Re: bad enough for you

    Post by Blaze Kristian Sat Feb 09, 2013 10:17 am

    Blaze's sharp gaze snapped to the brunette's, feeling more of a surprise than what was maybe expected. He could not understand the rush or adrenaline he was experiencing, mostly like a mixture of anger, relief and pain. How the hell was this one girl managing to affect him in a way he cannot even comprehend? "Like I said, I am glad it was not some other guy," he told quietly, his eyes unable to leave hers. "Although if he had the right sense, he would have done what I just did for you."

    "You should smile more often McCoy," the Hufflepuff commented with a raised eyebrow, the look on his face nearing to a teasing one. "Believe it or not, you do not look that bad when you are not busy yelling or frowning at me. Keep it up. Or do I have to say any more nice things?"

    His posture tensed up once more, trying his best to look away. "He better damn get away from you if he knows what's good for him. Any guy in general, for that matter. And if they cannot appreciate the 'bad girl', it is just my gain, isn't it?" Blaze smirked lightly. "And no darling, I am not full of myself as you so nicely put it. I was just stating a fact, or do you care to deny it for me?"

    He let out a hiss of pleasure as Hunter's hands finally came in contact with his skin, and his arm left the wall to trail down her own skin as well, before slipping underneath the clothed material, his grip on her bare hips tightening each second. He just could not find it in him to care or register what was happening, or what was going to happen.

    They could deal with all that shit later.

    "Next time some bastard is bothering you McCoy, mention it to me," Blaze growled, both his hands cupping her cheeks in order to make her look at him. "No more going on random dates with just anybody; are you sure you want to give that up?" He needed her to be completely sure. He needed her to be aware of what she was getting herself into.

    If she agreed to hold on to him, she could never let go.

    "Fuck," he groaned and buried his head against her neck, using one of his hands to direct the brunette's fingers across his bare skin, still wanting more. For once, he did not hesitate on hearing her demand. It was simple, he could say it without complicating anything. He could give them what they both had been looking for this whole time, what they both bad been denying.

    His fingers moving against her bare back, he placed a rough kiss on her lips before murmuring, "I am yours."
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    bad enough for you  Empty Re: bad enough for you

    Post by Ray Sat Feb 09, 2013 1:12 pm

    The Ravenclaw snorted at his words. "If he had the right sense?" She repeated, "I'm a fuck up, you'd be in the right sense if you saw trouble and walked away from the moment you saw me." Her voice went into a near whisper, "but I hope you don't regret staying."

    "Er... thank you?" She said uncertainly, her smile turning into a look of slight confusion. Was he... was he complimenting her? "I don't yell at you often, just when you're being irresponsible..." She mumbled, looking at the floor. She looked up at him once more, the smile on her lips once again, "Oh, please say more. I do quite like compliments."

    "You don't need to worry," she insisted, "It was only one time. He was threatening to tell the police that I stole the dagger I have. I mean, I did steal it, but that was nearly eleven years ago..." She paused for a moment, listening to the rest of his words. "It is your gain, indeed," she confirmed, refusing to meet his eyes. "I'm not denying it. You are, admittedly, a lot better than any other person who's ever taken an interest to me." Granted, every other person who was interested in her only wanted her body.

    A moan escaped her lips as his hands went to her skin. Shivers ran down her spine at his touch. She pressed herself even closer to him, trailing her lips down to his neck, before landing on one particular spot. She sucked on his skin softly, making sure to leave a hickey on his neck.

    "Alright, I-I will," she said, intimidated by the angry look Blaze held. Hunter didn't like it when he was angry because of her, it... it scared her. Not that she would ever admit anything like that. "I don't go on 'random dates', as you say. That makes me sound like a slut. And of course I'll give it up," she said, a smile on her face once again, momentarily. "I never wanted to go on random dates anyway."

    Goosebumps covered her skin, and she lifted his head off her neck to meet his lips once again in a rough kiss. What remained of her breath came out quick, shallow and rugged. Breathing wasn't too important for her right now, she just wanted Blaze.

    Hunter pulled back suddenly, insecurity clear on her. Was he hers? "Y-you won't leave, right? You won't let me be alone, r-r-right?" She stammered. "Cause-cause when I'm alone, I think. When I think, I remember. When I remember, I feel pain. When I feel pain, I might cry. When I cry, I can't stop." Her voice dropped, nearly inaudible. "Please don't- please don't leave me alone."
    Blaze Kristian
    Blaze Kristian
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    bad enough for you  Empty Re: bad enough for you

    Post by Blaze Kristian Sat Feb 09, 2013 2:35 pm

    "How could I regret that? Things with you have certainly not been boring," the Hufflepuff commented, a lazy smirk on his lips. "Honestly? I am fucking glad it was me who did not turn away, then. Trust me, I would have missed out on a lot."

    He chuckled softly and shook his head. "Too bad McCoy, only one nice thing per day," he teased. "And besides, I do not want to spoil you just yet. But don't worry, there's plenty more where that came from." He was tired of seeing her so upset and worried all the time, things had to change a little.

    "Seems like I always have to worry about you," Blaze muttered, not paying any heed to the Ravenclaw's words. "I may not be that decent, but seriously McCoy, you need to avoid such freaks." The brown haired boy was a little more surprised at her next set of words. "I'm better? Are you fucking kidding me?" He let out a humourless laugh. "Now that's a joke."

    The Hufflepuff didn't care that Hunter was marking him. In fact, he was loving it. Every fibre in his being was being awakened, not just by her touches, by her words and thoughts. He had an inexplainable need to keep that part of waken forever, and for that, she was vital to him.

    "I am just...." He let out a frustrated sigh, unable to tell just exactly what he was feeling. His intention was not to scare her,but whenever he was with her, all his inhibitions were lowered. "Can we honestly call this a fucking relationship, McCoy?" He breathed. "It just does not seem like one."

    He responded eagerly, like he was dying of thirst and she was his drink. His tongue begged for entrance through her lips, as his hands traced patterns across her bare back, enjoying the fiery feeling.

    Blaze's eyes widened slightly, and he lifted a shaky hand to graze her cheek. "I am not going anywhere baby," he whispered, his tone just as broken as hers. "I do not want to leave you alone. I've felt it for a while, but I wanted to deny it. I cannot anymore. You're mine, baby and whatever happens, I'm here. I am fucking sick of trying to stay away."
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    Post by Ray Mon Feb 11, 2013 7:39 pm

    "Things with me included trying to get me safe from my lunatic of a father; I hardly call that 'boring'." She scoffed, rolling her eyes. His next words surprised her. "Er... thank you? I.. guess..." The Ravenclaw shifted uncomfortably.

    "Aww, I was hoping for compliments," She mock-whined, crossing her arms over her chest and showing Blaze a feigned pout, her eyes wide. "Ahh, okay; I can live with that. I like compliments, contrary to popular beliefs." Her aggressive attitude towards people came naturally because of her father, and if she could, she would try to be happier.

    "You don't have to worry about anything, it's not like I'm forcing you to do anything for me," she said defensively, "I don't like those freaks! And what if I don't want decent?" she challenged him with raised eyebrows, "You are better. Better than all other people. Others would have thrown me away as soon as they met me, alarmed at my personality, dagger and lip ring," her tone was completely serious, no sign of a joke at all. "It's not a joke. At all."

    "You're just...?" She pressed, moving closer to him, with confusion written on her face. "Do you... do you want to call it a relationship?" She replied, stammering slightly ans swallowing. Does he want it? "If you... if you want it to be..."

    Shivers ran up her spine endlessly, her heart thudding against her chest, to the point where she was almost certain Blaze can feel it through her skin. She opened her mouth for him, allowing his tongue entrance.

    Hunter's hand flew to his, touching it lightly, "A-are you sure? My-my father once said it to me," her voice lowered, eyes downcast. "Don't leave me. Please. D-don't be like my family. Please d-d-don't say you'll stay, and d-don't say you care about me u-unless you mean it." She had to blink back tears and swallow the lump in her throat. "Don't stay away. P-please."
    Blaze Kristian
    Blaze Kristian
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    bad enough for you  Empty Re: bad enough for you

    Post by Blaze Kristian Tue Feb 12, 2013 10:07 am

    "You don't know what you want McCoy," Blaze scoffed. "Every girl wants someone decent, in the long run that's what they need. What if you change your mind later? I can't be on the waiting edge for you." He wasn't anyone's dream guy, nor did he expect to be. He wasn't Prince Charming, quite the opposite.

    In short, he just was not good enough for Hunter. After all, there was a small chance he might end up worse than her father.

    "Do I want a relationship?" He repeated the girl's question, though it was mostly to himself. "I don't think I'm ready for one," the Hufflepuff muttered. "Can't we just...keep it like this? You might find someone who's willing to be your boyfriend, later on."

    Blaze's hold on the Ravenclaw's cheek became more firm, and his other hand reached up as well to cup her face, so she'd look at him. "You should not be telling not to stay away, it should be the opposite," he whispered with a humourless chuckle. "Don't you get it? I don't have anyone, you are the first I actually give a fuck about." His lips landed on hers once more, biting her lower one gently.

    "I can't stay away," he growled, his fingers messing with her hair. "You should be worried in fact about me staying, because face it McCoy, after this I'm never going from you baby, are you sure you need this?"
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    Post by Ray Tue Feb 12, 2013 1:58 pm

    "Of course I know what I want," she countered, "Do I look like 'every girl'? Of course I don't. I won't change my mind, honestly." She rolled her eyes at him. "If you're expecting me to want a perfect Prince Charming, then that's where you're wrong. They are massively overrated."

    If there was anyone - anyone - good for Hunter, it had to be Blaze Kristian. She didn't want someone evil, but she didn't want someone good, or sappy and sweet. Someone who was in the middle would be perfect for her. Blaze was bad enough for her.

    She shrugged, "We'll keep it the way you want it to. But you might want to know - boyfriends aren't something I'm good at, so I don't bother with them." She shrugged again, her tone sounding uncaring, completely fine. But inside, she was thinking I'd make the effort for you.

    "I don't want you to go. I care about you way too much for that," she whispered, her eyes boring into his easily. "That- that's nice to hear. No one- no one's ever stayed. No one's ever - ever - meant it when they said they gave a fuck about me." Her response to his kiss was eager, craving it dearly, like she would die without it. Pulling back, she noted that her breath came quick and shallow.

    Blaze Kristian left her breathless.

    "I need this. I need you," she assured him, before a mischievous smirk broke out on her face, "How about we take this somewhere more... private?"

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