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The new generation of witches and wizards has come. Whose side are you on?

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    Curious (Open)

    Alex Gilbert
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    Curious (Open) Empty Curious (Open)

    Post by Alex Gilbert Fri Dec 30, 2011 1:43 am

    Alex heard so many things about how the shrieking shack was haunted and everything but she just didn't believe it. So today she was going to be staying at the shrieking shack to see if it really is haunted. Alex went into the shrieking shack and went up the steps to see a living room. Alex took a seat by the wall. Alex back was against the wall and she took out her home work and started to do it so it wasn't late.
    Aquila Turrow
    Aquila Turrow
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    Curious (Open) Empty Re: Curious (Open)

    Post by Aquila Turrow Fri Dec 30, 2011 4:09 am

    Aquila was bored. He was bored, and shocked that he had been at school for a year and never got his way into the Shreiking Shack. As he entered through the door, he paused for a moment remember what he had heard over the summer from Tobi... but he didn't really care the moment.

    The place was probably harmless now, and even if it wasn't well... Aquila never had cared about safety before and he certainly did not care about it now. He wanted to be reckless, and careless, and stupid.

    There just seemed something freeing about that.

    So with all that in mind, he trampled through the halls, banging into thing and just being a usual pain in the butt, completely unaware that there was somone in the room above him.
    Alex Gilbert
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    Post by Alex Gilbert Fri Dec 30, 2011 5:54 am

    Alex was almost done her homework when she heard a bang downstairs. Alex put her books down on the ground and stood up. She pulled her wand out of her boot she wearing and held it in front of her. Alex quietly walked downstairs and searched around. She saw nothing and sighed. Alex went to turn around and bumped into someone.

    "Oh my god you scared me" Alex said looking at the Ravenclaw.
    Aquila Turrow
    Aquila Turrow
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    Post by Aquila Turrow Fri Dec 30, 2011 4:22 pm

    Aquila wasn't paying all that much attention to his surroundings so he had to admit that when Alex bumped into him he was more than a little startled himself.

    He let out a laugh and smiled at the girl, "Did you think I was a ghostie?"

    "Sorry about that," he apologized once he was finish laughing at his own joke, "I didn't think anyone would be in here. Its dangerous you know." He raised an eyebrow and smirked at the girl underminding any idea of seriousness then the statement might have otherwise held.

    "So, Alex Gilbert, what's a girl like you doing in a place like this?"
    Alex Gilbert
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    Post by Alex Gilbert Fri Dec 30, 2011 4:55 pm

    "No I didn't think you were a ghost" said Alex. Alex decided to answer his other question. "I'm here because my friends said this place was haunted but I don't think it is so I came here to prove them wrong" Alex said.

    "Now Aquila Turrow what are you doing here" Alex smirked at him.
    Aquila Turrow
    Aquila Turrow
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    Post by Aquila Turrow Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:55 pm

    "Ahh, but maybe its haunted by things other than ghost," he said in a whisper and a smirk, not really sure what he was implying, but having fun with it anyways.

    "Can't a guy just want to walk around an old run down house for the evening? Does he really need an alterior motive?"
    Alex Gilbert
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    Post by Alex Gilbert Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:28 am

    Alex rolled her eyes. "Okay I don't believe in ghosts but even if this place is haunted it's just weird and every guy needs an alterior motive" Alex replied to Aquila.
    Iris Grayson
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    Curious (Open) Empty Re: Curious (Open)

    Post by Iris Grayson Sat Dec 31, 2011 9:18 am

    This was Iris' first time to the Shrieking Shack. Of course she had heard the rumours that it was the most haunted house but she didn't believe in any of that. Even if it is, it'd be cool to see a ghost, she thought amusedly. She wondered if anyone ever came around here, as she walked inside.

    She saw two students she didn't recognize and went over to them. "Hey there! I'm Iris!" She introduced herself with a grin. "How did you guys end up here?"
    Aquila Turrow
    Aquila Turrow
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    Post by Aquila Turrow Sat Dec 31, 2011 11:51 pm

    Aquila smirked, "Oh really? Than what is my alterior motive right now?"

    He really didn't have one. He had just been in a crummy mood for a while, and he thought breaking a rule or two and causing some michief might cheer him up.

    "Aquila Turrow," he introduced himself to the new girl Iris as she came up and then smiled michieviously, "I thought I came here just because, but apparently I had an alterior motive. I am waiting to hear what it was. When I know, I will be sure to tell you."
    Alex Gilbert
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    Post by Alex Gilbert Sun Jan 01, 2012 7:02 pm

    Alex rolled her eyes at him. "I'm Alex Gilbert, I came here because I wanted to see if this place really was haunted and you alterior motive is that you just wanted to be annoying and scare me, even though you scared me just a little bit because I didn't no you were here" Alex said looking at Aquila.
    Iris Grayson
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    Post by Iris Grayson Sun Jan 01, 2012 7:50 pm

    Iris shot an amused smile in their direction. "Nice to meet you both!" She couldn't help but laugh at their banter. "Oh, I was actually looking forward to the place being haunted only because I was curious as to what sort of creature would bother haunting such a place." She grinned.

    "Have you guys met before? If you haven't, then I don't think he wanted to scare you." Iris said. "Unless...he was in the mood for causing trouble for someone." She shot Aquila a sly smile.
    Alex Gilbert
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    Post by Alex Gilbert Sun Jan 01, 2012 8:09 pm

    Alex looked at Iris. "Yeah we met before, we have some classes together and now here we are" Alex shot Aquila a glare and turned back to Iris. " I came here to prove my friends wrong but if it is haunted that's a win win for me" Alex smiled. "I never believed in ghosts and that other stuff so it will be fun to mess with them only if they get scared" Alex said with a small smile.
    Iris Grayson
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    Post by Iris Grayson Sun Jan 01, 2012 9:09 pm

    "Aah, that explains the uneven tension between you two," Iris replied and grinned. "Well, judging by the looks of this place, I don't think it is haunted. I don't believe in all that crap either, but I have to admit that it would have been fun to see an actual haunting."

    She turned to Aquila. "You guys can either make up or continue to entertain me with your banter." She laughed. She really wasn't trying to be rude or anything; she just loved messing with people. It was just her way of showing her likeness towards them.
    Alex Gilbert
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    Post by Alex Gilbert Sun Jan 01, 2012 10:37 pm

    Alex nodded. "Yup" she said with a slight laugh. Alex looked at Aquila. "Iris is right but it was fun to argue since I do it with my brother all the time, but I'm sorry" Alex hugged Aquila. The hug lasted about 5 seconds before Alex pulled away. "Okay enough of the nice stuff and how about we make this interesting, we camp out here for the night to see if it is haunted" Alex suggested.

    (OOC: Love the siggy Iris)
    Aquila Turrow
    Aquila Turrow
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    Post by Aquila Turrow Mon Jan 02, 2012 4:01 pm

    Aquila laughed easily. He was right, this was making him feel quite better. Not for the reasons he had thought but bugging other people was always fun too.

    Maybe he just needed a new stomping ground, a new group to harrass.

    He smirked, "I'm always in the mood to cause someone trouble, but I promise tonight I had no idea you were here Alex."

    Aquila barely had time to respond to the split second hug before she was pulling away. However her next statment brought enough amusement to him.

    "I say that sounds like a plan," he smirked, "Though if were going to be here all night, were going to have to stay entertained."
    Iris Grayson
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    Post by Iris Grayson Mon Jan 02, 2012 6:25 pm

    "Oooh, camping! That sounds awesome!" Iris exclaimed excitedly. "Haven't stayed outside in a long time except for the few times I was living on the streets." She grinned slightly. "And besides, if the place really is haunted, the ghost will have to deal with the three of us and I don't think that will be good for the ghost." She said with a sly smile.

    "But what about food and water? I know we should be more worried about getting caught but I honestly don't care about that." She admitted, almost looking sheepish.

    ((OOC: Thanks Alex! ^^))
    Alex Gilbert
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    Post by Alex Gilbert Mon Jan 02, 2012 7:44 pm

    Alex laughed a little. "Are you kidding me if it is haunted I will defiantly be up for scaring a ghost, and for food I have that covered" Alex smiled. "Wait right here" said Alex. Alex ran up stairs where she was doing her home work. Alex grabbed the body bag she bought with her and ran back down stairs. When Alex got back to Aquila and Iris she gently placed the bag on the floor and opened it up. There was tons of food and drinks in there to last at least a week.

    "Already got it covered" Alex smiled at her two new friends.
    Aquila Turrow
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    Post by Aquila Turrow Tue Jan 03, 2012 10:17 pm

    Quil just reached into the bag and helped himself to a snack, "Well this is definitely enough for me. But I don't know what you girls are eating." He joked.

    "So, where do you think the best place to ghost hunt is?"
    Iris Grayson
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    Post by Iris Grayson Wed Jan 04, 2012 10:14 am

    Iris punched Aquila's arm playfully and told, "We don't need to eat as much you do, okay?" She told with a teasing grin.

    "Well, I've never actually gone ghost hunting before, so I got no clue. I guess anywhere within the shack would be fine. What do you think, Alex?" She asked.
    Alex Gilbert
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    Post by Alex Gilbert Wed Jan 04, 2012 4:21 pm

    Alex laughed at Aquila stuffing his face, then looked at Iris. "Well the best place would be the basement I think we should go when it is night time because it's still day time but it will be night in a few hours, I think we should go in the basement later and if there is a ghost down there Iris and I will throw you in front of us and use you as a shield" Alex smiled looking at Aquila.
    Aquila Turrow
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    Post by Aquila Turrow Wed Jan 04, 2012 5:58 pm

    Aquila pretended to be offended at such a suggestion, "Me as a Sheild?! I don't know how useful I will be at that. I think the ghost would walk right through me... literally."

    He laughed at that statement and pulled out his wand.

    "Never fear ladies! I shall protect us all from anything untoward that may be about!"
    Alex Gilbert
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    Post by Alex Gilbert Wed Jan 04, 2012 7:40 pm

    Alex covered her mouth to try and stop herself from laughing at him. "You just said he could walk right threw us, if that happens, what happens when you try and hit him/her with a spell" Alex asked laughing a little then stopping, then smiling.
    Iris Grayson
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    Post by Iris Grayson Wed Jan 04, 2012 8:23 pm

    "I think using him as a shield is a good idea," Iris told with a laugh. "At least then he can pretend he's a knight in shining armour." She shot him a wink and grinned.

    "Well, if he'll walk through us, at least he won't be able to hit us." She commented, half joking and half serious. "Like I said, the three of us could scare off the ghost rather than the other way around," she said, a mischievous smile on her face.
    Alex Gilbert
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    Post by Alex Gilbert Wed Jan 04, 2012 10:00 pm

    Alex laughed at what Iris said. "He thinks he's a knight in shining armour, kidding Aquila and I no but I'm just saying magic is no good use on a god damn ghost, although I wish it was because that would be awesome to blast a ghost threw the wall" Alex laughed at her own comment.
    Aquila Turrow
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    Post by Aquila Turrow Wed Jan 04, 2012 10:47 pm

    Aquila sniffed, "Who says I want to be a knight. Maybe I want to just be a happy-go-lucky servent who secretly saves the day on a regular basis."

    He nodded, "Knights are highly over rated."

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